اعضای هیات تحریریه راهنمای نگارش مقاله

Volume 10 ، Issue 18 - (2022- 9) Pages : 13 - 33
Associate Professor of Quran Sciences of University of Quran and Hadith of Tehran

The strength of the translations of the Quran should be sought in the interpretation and translation of the difficult verses of the Quran. Among these verses, there are verses related to of Heaven Angels with special interpretations, which in many interpretations and translations of the Qur'an, women's gender has been taken from them; Interpretations like "Hoor-Al-Ain" which most commentators and translators of the Qur'an have interpreted and translated as heavenly women!  Also, the interpretations of "Qaserat al-Tarf", "Oroban attraba", "Kawaib attraba", "Khairattu Hasan" and the like, which have led the translators and commentators of the Quran to interpret the verse as "paradise women" and a gendered interpretation of the verse. The question is: Considering that angels do not have gender, how can these interpretations be accepted with translations such as "paradise women"? While the Holy Qur'an clearly rejects the fact that angels are feminine and considers it a belief of polytheists!

This article has been prepared in an analytical-descriptive way, by referring to the roots of the words and exact syntactical problems of the Arabic verses, as well as paying attention to the context and with a trans-gender view of such verses. The findings show that the gender perception in many of these verses, especially regarding marriage, was formed several centuries after the revelation of these verses, and regardless of the exact root of the word, these interpretations were found in dictionary books and interpretations and even in the translation of hadiths has been found. Also, while criticizing the challenges of interpretations and translations of the Quran regarding these verses, a detailed translation has been presente.


Keywords: Holy Ouran, the gender, the heavenly angels, Hoor Ain, Qaserat al-Tarf.

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Received: 2022/4/6 | Accepted: 2022/9/11 | Published: 2022/9/11

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