اعضای هیات تحریریه راهنمای نگارش مقاله

Volume 10 ، Issue 19 - (2023- 3) Pages : 49 - 72
Associate Professor of Quran Sciences of University of Quran and Hadith of Tehran

One of the bases of belief raised among Muslim commentators and scholars is the issue of infallibility of prophets. The problematic appearance of some verses of the Holy Quran shows that they are incompatible with this basis. Among the most important of these verses are the verses that mention the words "oppression" and "forgiveness" about some prophets.

The question is, considering the basis of belief in the infallibility of the prophets, what is the interpretive solution for explaining and interpreting such verses? And how can this interpretation be shown in the translation of the verses?

Translations of the Qur'an have often translated such verses without paying attention to the interpretation and based solely on the idiomatic meaning of the words, which in most cases, in addition to failing to solve the problem of the verse, have also added to its difficulty.

These verses are mentioned about God's great prophet Adam (pbuh), Prophet Moses (pbuh) and Prophet Yunus (pbuh) in the Quran, which has been tried in this article in an analytical-descriptive way, ignoring the term "oppression" and "Forgiveness" and by referring to the roots of the words and also considering the space of these verses, a translation is presented that is in accordance with the principles of the infallibility of the prophets.

The result of this research is that one of the most important solutions to solve the problem of some verses is to refer to the lexical meaning of the words, which will be very important in the correct interpretation and translation of the verses.


Keywords: Quran, infallibility of prophets, Adam, Moses, Yunus, Oppression, Forgiveness, Difficult verses.

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Received: 2022/9/2 | Accepted: 2023/3/11 | Published: 2023/3/17

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