اعضای هیات تحریریه راهنمای نگارش مقاله

Volume 10 ، Issue 19 - (2023- 3) Pages : 101 - 116
Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Farhangian University of Urmia
Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and Principles of Urmia University of Medical Sciences
Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and Principles of Urmia University of Medical Sciences

One of the problems and questions that is usually raised about the guidance and misguidance of man is that man does not have any authority or role in his guidance and destiny, and Almighty God guides or misleads whoever He wants.  This question that has been used by some Qur'an’s verses, can be dispelled by evidences in these verses as well as other verses that exists in the Quran which is related with the concept of guidance and misguidance with anthropological factors.

Based on this, the purpose of this article is to explain the anthropological factors of guidance and misguidance in order to answer the question that whether or not God has forced man on the path of guidance and misguidance

This research is a descriptive and analytical study based on related workes. According to the verses of the Qur'an, faith, God's satisfaction, jihad and repentance are the anthropological factors of guidance and, disbelief, injustice, transgression and lying are the anthropological factors of misguidance

According to these types of verses, even though other factors such as God's will are involved in guiding and misleading human, however, the final realization of these two things depends on his own free will.  Based on this, from the beginning, man chooses one of the factors of guidance or misguidance, such as faith or unbelief, and then the rest of his guidance and misguidance are realized by the same factors.  Therefore, man's final guidance and misguidance is affected by his own free will, and the role of other factors such as God's will is an introduction for man's guidance and misguidance.


Keywords: Qur'an, human being, guidance, misguidance, determinism.

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Received: 2022/10/11 | Accepted: 2023/3/11 | Published: 2023/3/17

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